We announced back in November that we were part of the UKG Connect Technology Partner Program. This highlighted our integration between Sift and UKG Pro™ to enable key people data to flow seamlessly to the Sift platform via a UKG-certified connector as well as joint-marketing initiatives to generate awareness and share best practices on how to leverage the combined solution to impact hybrid work initiatives.
This past December we were fortunate to exhibit at UKG Connections in Las Vegas. UKG Connections is a three day conference for UKG Pro customers filled with collaboration, knowledge sharing, hands-on learning, and connecting. For many of us this was our first conference in a while and we were anxious to get out and show UKG customers ways to better connect their workforces in a hybrid and remote world.

For me the best part of the conference was meeting other exhibitors, learning more about the UKG ecosystem and the relationships between customers, vendors and partners. Hearing from customers themselves on what challenges they are trying to solve. Meeting with some of the ERMs (Executive Relationship Managers) at UKG was good to understand their role and how they help their clients. It was also nice to meet with our Partner Success Manager and others in the partnership area. The coolest moment of the show had to be when two of our favorite users of Sift from Esler and Ping Identity stopped by the booth at the same time. Was a really cool moment and reinforced why we were all there.

Outside of the show hours there were some really engaging keynotes from the President of UKG, Chris Todd, who talked about the $600 million investment UKG is making in innovation and product development. In addition, UKG GVP of Research and Innovation, Cecile Leroux, spoke on the shift in work methodologies and how we have changed as a society in the way we approach work.