Creating a Single Place of Employee Data for Ulteig

Before Sift

Prior to implementing Sift,  finding “the right person for the job” at Ulteig was not always easy. 

Identifying subject matter experts or people within the organization with the correct expertise necessary for a project was a manual and tedious process: first, you’d have to know who to ask for help, then send an email, and wait for a response.

In addition, Ulteig was looking for ways to move away from using custom-developed software (such as their existing org chart solution) and replace them with more robust tools that could be integrated further into Ulteig’s ecosystem.

At the same time, the company was in the process of implementing a new intranet, which had an org chart built in. However, Ulteig soon discovered that it didn’t work for their needs, and began the search for a separate tool that could integrate with their intranet.

Find experts icon
Problem #1
Difficulty identifying internal experts to adequately resource projects
Custom software icon
Problem #2
Desire to replace custom-developed software solutions with more robust tools
Org chart structure icon
Problem #3
Existing org chart solution did not meet needs

Integrating Sift

Tyler Voegele, Digital Transformation Manager at Ulteig, was tasked with finding another org chart solution that would meet the company’s needs and integrate with their intranet. Sift was “the primary contender” in Tyler’s search due to the ease of its UX, but what really set Sift apart was that it is more than just an org chart.

“I could pitch [Sift] as a potential bigger play,” recalled Tyler. The fact that the Org Chart could be tailored with Sift’s Profiles and Directory to find the right people, as well as create a database of all their people’s skills, was what led them to implement Sift.

On top of that, ease of use in a solution was very important to Ulteig, and Sift’s UX is, in Tyler’s words, “amazing… it’s the best one out there in my opinion (of the ones I’ve seen).”

When it came to implementation, Voegle praised the simplicity of the process.

“I've implemented a lot of software in our organization, and there are a lot of companies that say they work really well with integrating with Azure. But when it comes down to creating user data integrations, it's like night and day… [Sift was] very easy to work with.”

Using Sift

Since launching SIft across the company, Ulteig has seen an increase in the ability to locate internal experts.

“Finding the right person at the right time has become quick and simple thanks to Sift, which has saved us a considerable amount of time,” said Tyler. With Sift, it’s become a lot easier to find people with specific past project or client experience, so they’re able to staff projects and put together bids a lot faster.

Sift makes it easier for Ulteig’s people to do their jobs. They have Sift widget on their intranet, and  around 70% of the company is using Sift on a regular basis. 

To put it in Tyler’s words:

“Sift makes it simple to centralize that data we're looking for: those enterprise skills, locations, certifications, and other corporate data that we used to use back-and-forth emails to find.”

The fact that Sift pulls their people data from all different sources makes it easier for people at Ulteig to find others within the organization. Their employees love having just one place to go to find anything and everything you need to know about a person. Having “all of the different attributes of our employees from different systems all in one [place]makes it really easy to find employee data,” says Tyler.

They’re also using Sift as an internal networking tool. Since much of their workforce is remote, Sift helps employees identify where their co-workers are located, since they may live somewhere different from the primary office location that they are tied to. That helps people find others in the same area to connect and meet up with, and has been helpful for engineers to find people that can service an area they live near.

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Ulteig provides engineering services and consulting for companies in the energy sector.
Fargo, ND
Civil Engineering
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Profile card of Tyler Voegele, Digital Transformation Manager at Ulteig